My wife, faith-filler and pillar of strength!

My wife, faith-filler and pillar of strength!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

UPDATE: 26 Nov 2009

So much has happened since I last wrote that to be comprehensive, I need to be brief! The transplant op date has been set - 8th December 2009 - yup, two weeks from now! I will be admitted on Saturday the 5th so that they have time to knock my immune system down by the Tuesday. (Our company Christmas party is on the night of the 4th so I may just have a big one and kill off the last of the kidney!) Leanne will join me on the Monday and then we both go into theatre simultaneously on Tuesday morning. Lee will be in there about 4 hours and I about 5 hours. I am already looking forward to the morphine, and so too Lee her epidural!

From there we go into a semi-private ICU ward for recovery; Lee about 5 days, me about 10. My delay is not so much the surgery but also waiting for full kidney function to kick in. Lee will be allowed out once mobile and she will then need a few weeks off at home. Once I am discharged, I will have to spend three months in strict isolation at home - no going out, no crowds, no going to work etc. This is obviously because my immune system is going to be heavily compromised for six months and I need to avoid risk of infection. Have discussed with employer and will be set up with the tools to work from home for that period - again, their support has been phenomenal.

I have been in the wars a little lately - feet have been swollen for three weeks now (full of water); my blood pressure shot up to 211/144 over the weekend and I felt like crap. Doctor says it is symptomatic of further kidney deterioration and my dialysis regime was no longer sufficient. I am now on four bags a day, dialysing around the clock, with fluid changes at 6am, 12pm, 6pm & 10pm. It's a bit more of a nuisance now obviously, and I have less time; but it still remains a tolerable form of treatment. As if all this was not enough, the hacking cough that I had three weeks ago, has caused a hernia in my groin! I will consult with the surgeon tomorrow where he may suggest addressing it at the same time as the kidney op - I mean c'mon, a kidney transplant is boring on its own!

This Monday just past, I had the pleasure of enduring my third (1st in ten years) endoscopy. What's that you may ask - it's a procedure loosely based on ancient Chinese torture! Lying on your side, a ringed flange between your teeth, a long flexible tube is inserted down your throat and into the stomach! If the word "gag" comes to mind then you are right on the mark. As the doctor uses the camera on the end to study the caverns of one's stomach and intestines, pumping you full of air, the patient lies convulsing from gags and wretches - complete with watering eyes and involuntary burps! All this to the melodious sounds of: "Just relax, Terence, stay calm..." So why?? Well apparently the medication they give me after the op can burst any ulcers I may have, so they needed to check - fortunately all clear. I now look forward to the VCU on Dec 1st - where a garden hose is inserted up the "Tony Miles" into the bladder - so much of fun!

I think that covers the latest series of events. Clearly you need to stay tuned as the big day approaches - that's what the blog has been all about.

1 comment:

  1. Terry, I have been following the blog for a while now and you, leanne and all the rest of your family have been in my thoughts. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog - it's very well written (what ever happened to the book you were writing? I think you should go for it) Save to say I will thinking of you guys as the big day approaches and wish you all the very best.

    from all the Eastons in London
